Connect to the VMWare controller
Connect to the controller
Connect to the VMWare VPN, run the command you received and enter a password of your choosing.
# Run the command you received
juju register UetT2YXJ...WFpbgAA
This gives you access to the controller and all the models that you are granted.
Instructions for cluster admins
These instructions are for cluster administrators only. Cluster administrators can also create new models and manage existing virtual machines. Start with the instructions for normal users and then continue with these instructions.
Create a file nano vmware1.yaml
and add the following content: (as-is, do no change anything).
type: vsphere
auth-types: [userpass]
Add the cloud using that file:
juju add-cloud vmware1 vmware1.yaml
Create a new credential for that cloud. Make sure to use your intec password, not the password you just filled when you ran juju register
$ juju add-credential vmware1
Enter credential name: vmware-credential
Using auth-type "userpass".
Enter user: <intec-username>
Enter password: <intec password>
Credentials added for cloud vmware1.
Now you can create a model specifying the credential.
juju add-model <modelname> --controller vmware-main --credential vmware-credential